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38 Parameters
Arthritic disorders affect majority of the population, varying in severity. Many of these disorders are self limiting conditions requiring minimal evaluation and symptomatic therapy. However several patients show persistent musculo-skeletal symptoms that requires laboratory testing to establish diagnosis and document the pathological process. Arthritis can be of various types mainly Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Autoimmune disorders, Gout & Psoriatic arthritis.

Uric Acid
CRP - C Reactive Protein
ASO Titre - Anti Streptolysin O
RA Factor - Rheumatoid Factor
ANA - Anti Nuclear Antibody
Complete Hemogram - 32
(WBC-Total Leucocyte Count, UWBC-Uncorrected White Blood Cell, RBC-Total Red Blood Count, HGB-Haemoglobin, PCV-Haematocrit, MCV-Mean Corpuscular Volume, MCH-Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin, MCHC-Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration, RDW SD-Red Cell Distribution Width, RDW CV-Red Cell Distribution Width Standard Deviation, PLT-Patelet Count, MPV-Mean Platelet Volume, PDW-Platelet Distribution Width, PCT-Plateleterit, NE%-Neutrophils Percentage Count, NEU-Neutrophil Absolute Count, LY%-Lymphocytes Percentage Count, LYM-Lymphocyte Absolute Count, MO%-Monocytes Percentage Count, MO-Monocyte Absolute Count, ESO%-Eosinophil Percentage Count, ESO-Eosinophil Absolute Count, BAS%-Basophil Percentage Count, BAS-Basophil Absolute Count, NRBC%-Nucleated Red Blood Cells Percentage, NRBC-Nucleated Red Blood Cells, EGC%-Early Granulated Cell Percent, EGC-Early Granulated Cell Absolute, LHD-Low Haemoglobin Density, MAF-Microcytic Anemia Factor, ESR-Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Peripheral Blood Smear for Morphology)

Rs. 3300.00 /-